10 Lutein and Zeaxanthin Rich Fruits and Vegetables

Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids that are believed to reduce the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Find out the top sources of these eye-friendly compounds among fruits and vegetables.


1. Japanese persimmon – 834 mcg/100 g
2. Avocados – 271 mcg
3. Rhubarb – 170 mcg

4. Tangerines – 138 mcg
5. Mulberries – 136 mcg
6. Raspberries – 136 mcg
7. Nectarines – 130 mcg
8. Kumquats – 129 mcg
9. Oranges – 120 mcg
10. Kiwifruit – 122 mcg


1.       Kale (39551mcg )
2.       Dandelion greens (13609 mcg)
3.       Turnip greens (12824 mcg)
4.       Garden cress (12499 mcg)
5.       Spinach (12197 mcg)
6.       Swiss chard (10999 mcg)
7.       Chicory greens (10301 mcg)
8.       Mustard greens (9899 mcg)
9.       Collards (8932 mcg)
10.   Radicchio (8832 mcg)

* Nutrient data source: USDA