Vitamin A – 120%
1. Good for the skin
High doses of vitamin A supplements can be toxic, but getting the nutrient from natural sources such as the cantaloupe is perfectly safe and will even help minimize acne and wrinkles. Just one cup can already provide over 100% of your RDI.
2. Promotes good eyesight
Vitamin A is best known for its important role in preserving and improving eyesight.
3. Combats infections
A delicious way to prepare this fruit is to make it into a smoothie, a perfect drink for kids and grownups alike to help strengthen the immune system and thus fight off viruses which can cause sickness.
clayirving/Flickr cc
Vitamin C – 108%
4. Maintains healthy teeth and gumsLoose teeth and bleeding gums may be a sign of a deficiency of vitamin C in the body. Load up on vitamin C-rich foods such as the cantaloupe for that beautiful smile.
5. Prevents UTI
In addition to its high water content which helps flush out the bacteria from your system, the cantaloupe’s high vitamin C content also works to increase the acidity level of the urine, decreasing the harmful microbes that may be present in the urinary tract.
6. Speeds up wound healing
Vitamin C is one of the safest and most effective nutrients which make them the most widely-used supplements. But with the cantaloupes high dose of vitamin C, who needs supplements? Add them in salads or eat as is to help form collagen, the protein which makes skin and scar tissue.
Potassium – 14%
7. Lowers blood pressure levelsIt contains nearly the same potassium in bananas. Potassium helps in fighting hypertension by slowing down the effects of sodium in the body.
8. No leg cramps
Potassium also plays a critical role in muscle contraction and nerve transmission that a deficiency will result in muscle weakness and cramping.
Folate – 9%
9. Supports a healthy pregnancyPlanning to have a baby? Don’t forget to include one of the richest source of folate in your diet—the cantaloupe. Folate is widely known for its importance in pregnancy especially in its vital role in reducing the risk of nervous system problems in newborn babies.
10. Guards against anemia
Have you heard of macrocytic anemia? It is a condition due to a deficiency of folate and/or vitamin B12 in the body. When there is a lack of folate, the red blood cells becomes bigger than their normal volume.
Cantaloupe is also a good source of vitamins K and B6, niacin, fiber, magnesium and thiamine.
* Nutrient data source: USDA
© K Kristie