10 Protein-Rich Fruits

Protein is one of the most important nutrients that the human body needs in order to function. It is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, and blood. The body needs this macronutrient to produce enzymes, hormones and other body chemicals. Weightlifters are nothing without protein. Healthy, shiny hair and strong nails are made possible with the help of this mineral. This essential nutrient also plays a role in helping the body combat illnesses by keeping the immune system in top shape.

Beef, pork, chicken and fish are some of the top sources of protein. But if you’re avoiding meat, you might want to look for these fruits to meet the adult protein RDI of 50 grams.

For every 100 grams of these fruits, here’s how much protein you’ll get:

Tamarinds and Guavas (3 g) Tamarinds and guavas are each packed with 3 grams of protein. Tamarind is also one of the few fruits which contain calcium, and guava is packed with the highest vitamin C among fruits.

Avocados and Groundcherries (2 g)

The avocado, one of the most nutritious fruit also brags about being packed with protein. Groundcherries, a small orange fruit that looks like a small tomato, but enclosed in a large papery husk, also contain 2 grams. 

Cherries, from the ground! by trekkyandy.
image by trekkyandy via Flickr CC

Kumquats and Custard-apple (2 g)

Rich in vitamin C and fiber, kumquats and custard-apple are must-grab fruits for beautiful hair and healthy nails.


Purple Passion Fruit and Sugar-apple (2 g)

Both fruits can provide about 50% of the RDI of vitamin C in the body. The sugar-apple or sweetsop’s soft, creamy white flesh can provide almost a quarter of the RDI of fiber, and the passion fruit almost half. Passion fruit is also an excellent source of vitamin A and both fruits can contribute 2 grams of protein.


Pomegranates (2 g) and Durian (1 g)

Another citrus with this important mineral is pomegranate, and the king of fruits is on the list, too.

Nutrient data source: USDA

© K Kristie