Fruits With Lowest Calories

These fruits are not just packed with nutrients, they contain the lowest calories, too. Here's how much calories they have for every 100 g serving:
  1.  Rhubarb – 21 calories

  2. Rose-apples – 25 calories  

  3. Casaba melons – 28 calories 

  4. Ohelo berries – 28 calories 

  5. Limes – 30 calories 

  6. Watermelon – 30 calories 

  7. Carambola (starfruit) – 31 calories 

  8. Acerola (west indian cherry) – 32 calories 

  9. Grapefruit – 32 calories 

  10. Strawberries – 32 calories

    * Nutrient data source: USDA

    © K Kristie